Editing content

Editing MkDocs site content involves editing 2 source code files.

  • mkdocs.yml
  • docs/*.md


The mkdocs.yml master configuration file is a (YAML) format config file. Editing the navigation menu configuration in straight forward and can be done by modifying the template mkdocs.yml file.

To modify the navigation menu find the following section in mkdocs.yml. NOTE the top level nav menu items such as Setup, Features, and About. And the paged under each top level nav item.
  - <span class="fas fa-home"></span>: index.md
  - Setup:
    - Install: install.md
    - Optional Tool: optional.md
    - Cloning Site: cloning.md
    - Build Site: build.md
    - Testing Site: test.md
    - Editing Content: editing.md
  - Features:
    - Search: search.md
    - Swipe Nav: swipe.md
    - Version: version.md
    - Menu Nav: menu.md
    - Code: code.md
    - Equations: equations.md
    - Footnotes: footnotes.md
    - Icons: icons.md
    - Bootstrap: bootstrap.md
    - PDF: contact.md
  - About:
    - Contact: contact.md
See how the HTML renders a Bootstrap menu.



In the above mkdocs.yml nav section notice that the content is stored in *.md Markdown files.

To edit the content of the Markdown file in the docs directory simply edit the content of the docs/*.md file. Then rebuild the site to test.

Markdown files can contain inline HTML, or pure Markdown code.
