Sikuliaq IT Asset Manager (skqitam)
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{"config":{"lang":["en"],"min_search_length":3,"prebuild_index":false,"separator":"[\\s\\-]+"},"docs":[{"location":"index.html","text":"Sikuliaq IT Asset Manager Welcome to the Sikuliaq IT Asset Manager The Sikuliaq IT Asset Manager is a non-invasive tool that can be safely run on Windows, Mac, and Linux hosts to collect and report hardware and software information for IT Cybersecurity Auditing purposes. Client Installation The following commands will install, setup, and run the skqitam client in your home directory on respective client host operating systems. And report baseline data back to the skqitam server. Linux or The above commands can be re-run at anytime to update Asset metadata to the server. Mac From a terminal window at the command line run the curl for OS X, and curl or wget commands on Linux systems: The above command can be re-run at anytime to update Asset metadata to the server. Windows 10 (PowerShell 5.x+) From a CMD terminal window at the command line: The above command can be re-run at anytime to update Asset metadata to the server. Windows 7 (PowerShell 2.x) Download skqitam-client-win7-installer Zip file: to the Downloads directory in your user home directory. Extract the archive in your Downloads directory. Open the Downloads\\skqitam-client-win7-installer folder. This path is important!!! Run: skqitam-setup-win7.bat Select R when prompted to run the PowerShell script. To re-run the skqitam-client asset data collection script simply re-run skqitam-setup-win7.bat in your Downloads\\skqitam-client-win7-installer folder.","title":"<span class=\"fas fa-home\"></span>"},{"location":"index.html#sikuliaq-it-asset-manager","text":"Welcome to the Sikuliaq IT Asset Manager The Sikuliaq IT Asset Manager is a non-invasive tool that can be safely run on Windows, Mac, and Linux hosts to collect and report hardware and software information for IT Cybersecurity Auditing purposes.","title":" Sikuliaq IT Asset Manager"},{"location":"index.html#client-installation","text":"The following commands will install, setup, and run the skqitam client in your home directory on respective client host operating systems. And report baseline data back to the skqitam server.","title":"Client Installation"},{"location":"index.html#linux","text":"or The above commands can be re-run at anytime to update Asset metadata to the server.","title":" Linux"},{"location":"index.html#mac","text":"From a terminal window at the command line run the curl for OS X, and curl or wget commands on Linux systems: The above command can be re-run at anytime to update Asset metadata to the server.","title":" Mac"},{"location":"index.html#windows-10-powershell-5x","text":"From a CMD terminal window at the command line: The above command can be re-run at anytime to update Asset metadata to the server.","title":" Windows 10 (PowerShell 5.x+)"},{"location":"index.html#windows-7-powershell-2x","text":"Download skqitam-client-win7-installer Zip file: to the Downloads directory in your user home directory. Extract the archive in your Downloads directory. Open the Downloads\\skqitam-client-win7-installer folder. This path is important!!! Run: skqitam-setup-win7.bat Select R when prompted to run the PowerShell script. To re-run the skqitam-client asset data collection script simply re-run skqitam-setup-win7.bat in your Downloads\\skqitam-client-win7-installer folder.","title":" Windows 7 (PowerShell 2.x)"},{"location":"assets.html","text":"Assets Summary","title":"Assets"},{"location":"assets.html#assets","text":"","title":" Assets"},{"location":"assets.html#summary","text":"","title":"Summary"},{"location":"bootstrap.html","text":"Bootstrap MkDocs (v 1.1) uses the Bootstrap (v 4.1.3) responsive design framework. This makes all MkDoc websites inherently mobile ready . And easy to enhance with CSS classes. You can learn more about how to embed Bootstrap Components at: Examples Alerts <div class=\"alert alert-primary\" role=\"alert\"> This is a primary alert\u2014check it out! </div> <div class=\"alert alert-secondary\" role=\"alert\"> This is a secondary alert\u2014check it out! </div> <div class=\"alert alert-success\" role=\"alert\"> This is a success alert\u2014check it out! </div> <div class=\"alert alert-danger\" role=\"alert\"> This is a danger alert\u2014check it out! </div> <div class=\"alert alert-warning\" role=\"alert\"> This is a warning alert\u2014check it out! </div> <div class=\"alert alert-info\" role=\"alert\"> This is a info alert\u2014check it out! </div> <div class=\"alert alert-light\" role=\"alert\"> This is a light alert\u2014check it out! </div> <div class=\"alert alert-dark\" role=\"alert\"> This is a dark alert\u2014check it out! </div> This is a primary alert\u2014check it out! This is a secondary alert\u2014check it out! This is a success alert\u2014check it out! This is a danger alert\u2014check it out! This is a warning alert\u2014check it out! This is a info alert\u2014check it out! This is a light alert\u2014check it out! This is a dark alert\u2014check it out! Buttons <button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-primary\">Primary</button> <button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-secondary\">Secondary</button> <button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-success\">Success</button> <button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-danger\">Danger</button> <button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-warning\">Warning</button> <button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-info\">Info</button> <button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-light\">Light</button> <button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-dark\">Dark</button> <button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-link\">Link</button> Primary Secondary Success Danger Warning Info Light Dark Link Link Buttons You can also turn HTML Links into Buttons <a class=\"btn btn-primary\" href=\"\">HTML Link</a> HTML Link","title":"Bootstrap"},{"location":"bootstrap.html#bootstrap","text":"MkDocs (v 1.1) uses the Bootstrap (v 4.1.3) responsive design framework. This makes all MkDoc websites inherently mobile ready . And easy to enhance with CSS classes. You can learn more about how to embed Bootstrap Components at:","title":" Bootstrap"},{"location":"bootstrap.html#examples","text":"","title":"Examples"},{"location":"bootstrap.html#alerts","text":"<div class=\"alert alert-primary\" role=\"alert\"> This is a primary alert\u2014check it out! </div> <div class=\"alert alert-secondary\" role=\"alert\"> This is a secondary alert\u2014check it out! </div> <div class=\"alert alert-success\" role=\"alert\"> This is a success alert\u2014check it out! </div> <div class=\"alert alert-danger\" role=\"alert\"> This is a danger alert\u2014check it out! </div> <div class=\"alert alert-warning\" role=\"alert\"> This is a warning alert\u2014check it out! </div> <div class=\"alert alert-info\" role=\"alert\"> This is a info alert\u2014check it out! </div> <div class=\"alert alert-light\" role=\"alert\"> This is a light alert\u2014check it out! </div> <div class=\"alert alert-dark\" role=\"alert\"> This is a dark alert\u2014check it out! </div> This is a primary alert\u2014check it out! This is a secondary alert\u2014check it out! This is a success alert\u2014check it out! This is a danger alert\u2014check it out! This is a warning alert\u2014check it out! This is a info alert\u2014check it out! This is a light alert\u2014check it out! This is a dark alert\u2014check it out!","title":"Alerts"},{"location":"bootstrap.html#buttons","text":"<button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-primary\">Primary</button> <button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-secondary\">Secondary</button> <button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-success\">Success</button> <button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-danger\">Danger</button> <button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-warning\">Warning</button> <button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-info\">Info</button> <button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-light\">Light</button> <button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-dark\">Dark</button> <button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-link\">Link</button> Primary Secondary Success Danger Warning Info Light Dark Link","title":"Buttons"},{"location":"bootstrap.html#link-buttons","text":"You can also turn HTML Links into Buttons <a class=\"btn btn-primary\" href=\"\">HTML Link</a> HTML Link","title":"Link Buttons"},{"location":"build.html","text":"Building the Website [$] cd skq-mkdocs-templates To rebuild a clean HTML site directory run mkdocs build --clean [$] mkdocs build --clean WARNING - Config value: 'version'. Warning: Unrecognised configuration name: version PDF export is disabled (set environment variable ENABLE_PDF_EXPORT to 1 to enable) INFO - Cleaning site directory INFO - Building documentation to directory: /home/jehaverlack/Devel/Sikuliaq/docs/skq-mkdocs-template/site Each time you edit the site source content files you will need to run the mkdocs build --clean command to rebuild the site directory and test your edits. Testing the Site","title":"Build"},{"location":"build.html#building-the-website","text":"[$] cd skq-mkdocs-templates To rebuild a clean HTML site directory run mkdocs build --clean [$] mkdocs build --clean WARNING - Config value: 'version'. Warning: Unrecognised configuration name: version PDF export is disabled (set environment variable ENABLE_PDF_EXPORT to 1 to enable) INFO - Cleaning site directory INFO - Building documentation to directory: /home/jehaverlack/Devel/Sikuliaq/docs/skq-mkdocs-template/site Each time you edit the site source content files you will need to run the mkdocs build --clean command to rebuild the site directory and test your edits. Testing the Site","title":"Building the Website"},{"location":"cloning.html","text":"Cloning this Template A UA Github ( ) account is required to clone this repository. Git clone git clone Download Zip Or download as a zip file. Shipside Git Repository No login required Git clone git clone Files and Directories cd skq-mkdocs-templates Inputs mkdocs.yml - master Configuration File custom - custom HTML, CSS, Javascript or Markdown templates docs - directory of Markdown *.md files Output site - static HTML website directory Building the Site","title":"Cloning"},{"location":"cloning.html#cloning-this-template","text":"A UA Github ( ) account is required to clone this repository.","title":"Cloning this Template"},{"location":"cloning.html#git-clone","text":"git clone","title":"Git clone"},{"location":"cloning.html#download-zip","text":"Or download as a zip file.","title":"Download Zip"},{"location":"cloning.html#shipside-git-repository","text":"No login required","title":"Shipside Git Repository"},{"location":"cloning.html#git-clone_1","text":"git clone","title":"Git clone"},{"location":"cloning.html#files-and-directories","text":"cd skq-mkdocs-templates","title":"Files and Directories"},{"location":"cloning.html#inputs","text":"mkdocs.yml - master Configuration File custom - custom HTML, CSS, Javascript or Markdown templates docs - directory of Markdown *.md files","title":"Inputs"},{"location":"cloning.html#output","text":"site - static HTML website directory Building the Site","title":"Output"},{"location":"code.html","text":"Code Blocks Colorized Code blocks are supported with the highlight.js JavaScript library. Plain Text Hello World HTML <h2>Hello World</h2> JavaScript console.log(\"Hello World\") CSS .helloworld { color: #567; } Markdown ## Hello World Bash #!/bin/bash echo \"Hello World\" JSON { \"Hello\":\"World\" } Marddown Code Highlight Source ### Plain Text ``` {.plaintext} Hello World ``` ### HTML ``` {.html} <h2>Hello World</h2> ``` ### JavaScript ``` {.javascript} console.log(\"Hello World\") ``` ### CSS ``` {.css} .helloworld { color: #567; } ``` ### Markdown ``` {.markdown} ## Hello World ``` ### Bash ``` {.bash} #!/bin/bash echo \"Hello World\" ``` ### JSON ``` {.json} { \"Hello\":\"World\" } ```","title":"Code"},{"location":"code.html#code-blocks","text":"Colorized Code blocks are supported with the highlight.js JavaScript library.","title":" Code Blocks"},{"location":"code.html#plain-text","text":"Hello World","title":"Plain Text"},{"location":"code.html#html","text":"<h2>Hello World</h2>","title":"HTML"},{"location":"code.html#javascript","text":"console.log(\"Hello World\")","title":"JavaScript"},{"location":"code.html#css","text":".helloworld { color: #567; }","title":"CSS"},{"location":"code.html#markdown","text":"## Hello World","title":"Markdown"},{"location":"code.html#bash","text":"#!/bin/bash echo \"Hello World\"","title":"Bash"},{"location":"code.html#json","text":"{ \"Hello\":\"World\" }","title":"JSON"},{"location":"code.html#marddown-code-highlight-source","text":"### Plain Text ``` {.plaintext} Hello World ``` ### HTML ``` {.html} <h2>Hello World</h2> ``` ### JavaScript ``` {.javascript} console.log(\"Hello World\") ``` ### CSS ``` {.css} .helloworld { color: #567; } ``` ### Markdown ``` {.markdown} ## Hello World ``` ### Bash ``` {.bash} #!/bin/bash echo \"Hello World\" ``` ### JSON ``` {.json} { \"Hello\":\"World\" } ```","title":"Marddown Code Highlight Source"},{"location":"contact.html","text":"Contact For questions contact John Haverlack","title":"Contact"},{"location":"contact.html#contact","text":"For questions contact John Haverlack","title":"Contact"},{"location":"data.html","text":"Data Downloads Devices Device Inventory Device Inventory Software Software Inventory Software Inventory Reports Appendix-D Hardware Appendix-D Software","title":"Data"},{"location":"data.html#data-downloads","text":"","title":" Data Downloads"},{"location":"editing.html","text":"Editing content Editing MkDocs site content involves editing 2 source code files. mkdocs.yml docs/*.md mkdocs.yml The mkdocs.yml master configuration file is a ( YAML ) format config file. Editing the navigation menu configuration in straight forward and can be done by modifying the template mkdocs.yml file. Menu Navigation To modify the navigation menu find the following section in mkdocs.yml . NOTE the top level nav menu items such as Setup , Features , and About . And the paged under each top level nav item. nav: - <span class=\"fas fa-home\"></span>: - Setup: - Install: - Optional Tool: - Cloning Site: - Build Site: - Testing Site: - Editing Content: - Features: - Search: - Swipe Nav: - Version: - Menu Nav: - Code: - Equations: - Footnotes: - Icons: - Bootstrap: - PDF: - About: - Contact: See how the HTML renders a Bootstrap menu. docs/*.md In the above mkdocs.yml nav section notice that the content is stored in *.md Markdown files. To edit the content of the Markdown file in the docs directory simply edit the content of the docs/*.md file. Then rebuild the site to test. Markdown files can contain inline HTML, or pure Markdown code. Features","title":"Editing"},{"location":"editing.html#editing-content","text":"Editing MkDocs site content involves editing 2 source code files. mkdocs.yml docs/*.md","title":"Editing content"},{"location":"editing.html#mkdocsyml","text":"The mkdocs.yml master configuration file is a ( YAML ) format config file. Editing the navigation menu configuration in straight forward and can be done by modifying the template mkdocs.yml file.","title":"mkdocs.yml"},{"location":"editing.html#menu-navigation","text":"To modify the navigation menu find the following section in mkdocs.yml . NOTE the top level nav menu items such as Setup , Features , and About . And the paged under each top level nav item. nav: - <span class=\"fas fa-home\"></span>: - Setup: - Install: - Optional Tool: - Cloning Site: - Build Site: - Testing Site: - Editing Content: - Features: - Search: - Swipe Nav: - Version: - Menu Nav: - Code: - Equations: - Footnotes: - Icons: - Bootstrap: - PDF: - About: - Contact: See how the HTML renders a Bootstrap menu.","title":"Menu Navigation"},{"location":"editing.html#docsmd","text":"In the above mkdocs.yml nav section notice that the content is stored in *.md Markdown files. To edit the content of the Markdown file in the docs directory simply edit the content of the docs/*.md file. Then rebuild the site to test. Markdown files can contain inline HTML, or pure Markdown code. Features","title":"docs/*.md"},{"location":"equations.html","text":"Equations Markdown supports inline [LaTeX]( equations using the [MathJax]( Library. Inline Equations Inline LaTeX starts and ends with \\( LaTex Code \\) Code The square root of 2 is \\(\\sqrt{2} = 1.141421....\\). The square root of 2 is \\sqrt{2} = 1.141421.... . Centered Equations To center an equation on the page use: \\[ LaTex Code \\] Code \\[\\sqrt{2} = 1.141421....\\] \\sqrt{2} = 1.141421.... Left Justified Equations To left justify an equation use: \\( LaTex Code \\) Code \\(\\sqrt{2} = 1.141421....\\) \\sqrt{2} = 1.141421.... Quadratic Equation Example When a \\ne 0 , there are two solutions to ax^2 + bx + c = 0 and they are x = {-b \\pm \\sqrt{b^2-4ac} \\over 2a}. Example LaTex Equations LaTeX \\frac{-b\\pm\\sqrt{b^2-4ac}}{2a} \\sqrt[n]{ab} \\sum_a^b \\int_{a}^{b} \\frac{\\text{d}x}{\\text{d}y} \\frac{\\text{d}x}{\\text{d}y}\\overrightarrow{ab} a^{b} a_{b} \\hslash \\hbar \\infty \\pi \\theta \\color{blue} {\\infty} \\neq \\leq \\geq \\times \\div \\pm c_a^b Matrices \\left(\\begin{array}{c}a\\\\ b\\end{array}\\right) \\begin{bmatrix}a & b \\\\c & d \\end{bmatrix}","title":"Equations"},{"location":"equations.html#equations","text":"Markdown supports inline [LaTeX]( equations using the [MathJax]( Library.","title":" Equations"},{"location":"equations.html#inline-equations","text":"Inline LaTeX starts and ends with \\( LaTex Code \\)","title":"Inline Equations"},{"location":"equations.html#code","text":"The square root of 2 is \\(\\sqrt{2} = 1.141421....\\). The square root of 2 is \\sqrt{2} = 1.141421.... .","title":"Code"},{"location":"equations.html#centered-equations","text":"To center an equation on the page use: \\[ LaTex Code \\]","title":"Centered Equations"},{"location":"equations.html#code_1","text":"\\[\\sqrt{2} = 1.141421....\\] \\sqrt{2} = 1.141421....","title":"Code"},{"location":"equations.html#left-justified-equations","text":"To left justify an equation use: \\( LaTex Code \\)","title":"Left Justified Equations"},{"location":"equations.html#code_2","text":"\\(\\sqrt{2} = 1.141421....\\) \\sqrt{2} = 1.141421....","title":"Code"},{"location":"equations.html#quadratic-equation-example","text":"When a \\ne 0 , there are two solutions to ax^2 + bx + c = 0 and they are x = {-b \\pm \\sqrt{b^2-4ac} \\over 2a}.","title":"Quadratic Equation Example"},{"location":"equations.html#example-latex-equations","text":"LaTeX \\frac{-b\\pm\\sqrt{b^2-4ac}}{2a} \\sqrt[n]{ab} \\sum_a^b \\int_{a}^{b} \\frac{\\text{d}x}{\\text{d}y} \\frac{\\text{d}x}{\\text{d}y}\\overrightarrow{ab} a^{b} a_{b} \\hslash \\hbar \\infty \\pi \\theta \\color{blue} {\\infty} \\neq \\leq \\geq \\times \\div \\pm c_a^b","title":"Example LaTex Equations"},{"location":"equations.html#matrices","text":"\\left(\\begin{array}{c}a\\\\ b\\end{array}\\right) \\begin{bmatrix}a & b \\\\c & d \\end{bmatrix}","title":"Matrices"},{"location":"footnotes.html","text":"Footnotes To use the footnotes plugin 1 , simply include [^footnoteid] inline in your text, and [^footnoteid]: at the end of your markdown file. Also be sure to enable the footnote plugin in your mkdocs.yml file. To use the footnotes plugin [^1], simply include ... ... [^1]: [Footnotes Plugin]( Footnotes Plugin \u21a9","title":"Footnotes"},{"location":"footnotes.html#footnotes","text":"To use the footnotes plugin 1 , simply include [^footnoteid] inline in your text, and [^footnoteid]: at the end of your markdown file. Also be sure to enable the footnote plugin in your mkdocs.yml file. To use the footnotes plugin [^1], simply include ... ... [^1]: [Footnotes Plugin]( Footnotes Plugin \u21a9","title":"Footnotes"},{"location":"icons.html","text":"Icons MkDocs provides support for Font Awesome icons. Search for icons at:,light,regular,solid&m=free There are 3 families of free Font Awesome icons:+ Solid (fas) Regular (far) Brands (fab) Usage To use an FA Icon, embed it as a <span> element with the appropriate class. <span class=\"fas fa-user\"></span> Example 1 Search for question on the Font Awesome icon page. You will see 3 search interesting results: - question - question-circle - question-circle The reasons there are 2 question-circle results is because on is Solid and the other is Regular. To use these icons: - <span class=\"fas fa-question\"></span> Solid Question Mark - <span class=\"fas fa-question-circle\"></span> Solid Question Circle - <span class=\"far fa-question-circle\"></span> Regular Question Circle Solid Question Mark Solid Question Circle Regular Question Circle Example 1 There are also many popular brand icons. - <span class=\"fab fa-linux\"></span> Linux - <span class=\"fab fa-apple\"></span> Mac - <span class=\"fab fa-windows\"></span> Windows Linux Mac Windows","title":"Icons"},{"location":"icons.html#icons","text":"MkDocs provides support for Font Awesome icons. Search for icons at:,light,regular,solid&m=free There are 3 families of free Font Awesome icons:+ Solid (fas) Regular (far) Brands (fab)","title":"Icons"},{"location":"icons.html#usage","text":"To use an FA Icon, embed it as a <span> element with the appropriate class. <span class=\"fas fa-user\"></span>","title":"Usage"},{"location":"icons.html#example-1","text":"Search for question on the Font Awesome icon page. You will see 3 search interesting results: - question - question-circle - question-circle The reasons there are 2 question-circle results is because on is Solid and the other is Regular. To use these icons: - <span class=\"fas fa-question\"></span> Solid Question Mark - <span class=\"fas fa-question-circle\"></span> Solid Question Circle - <span class=\"far fa-question-circle\"></span> Regular Question Circle Solid Question Mark Solid Question Circle Regular Question Circle","title":"Example 1"},{"location":"icons.html#example-1_1","text":"There are also many popular brand icons. - <span class=\"fab fa-linux\"></span> Linux - <span class=\"fab fa-apple\"></span> Mac - <span class=\"fab fa-windows\"></span> Windows Linux Mac Windows","title":"Example 1"},{"location":"install.html","text":"Installing Requirements The following tools can be installed and used cross platform on Windows , Mac and Linux computers to build MkDocs websites. You may need to adapt the following notes for you operating system platform. At a minimum you will need Python and MkDocs installed. Python Python Version 3 recommended Testing Python Version [$] python3 --version Python 3.6.8 [$] pip3 --version pip 9.0.3 from /usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages (python 3.6) MkDocs MkDocs Website NOTE: on some linux systems you may need pip3 instead of pip . Installing MkDocs and common plugins sudo pip install mkdocs sudo pip install mkdocs-pdf-export-plugin sudo pip install mkdocs-bootstrap sudo pip install python-markdown-math sudo pip install Testing MkDocs Version [$] mkdocs --version mkdocs, version 1.1 from /usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mkdocs (Python 3.6) For windows you can omit sudo in the above commands. NOTE: You will need MkDocs version 1.1 to work with this template. If you have an older version try upgrading with: sudo pip3 install -U mkdocs Markdown It takes about 5-10 minutes to learn basic markdown. Markdown Learning Markdown Markdown Cheatsheet Optional Tools","title":"Install"},{"location":"install.html#installing-requirements","text":"The following tools can be installed and used cross platform on Windows , Mac and Linux computers to build MkDocs websites. You may need to adapt the following notes for you operating system platform. At a minimum you will need Python and MkDocs installed.","title":"Installing Requirements"},{"location":"install.html#python","text":"Python Version 3 recommended","title":"Python"},{"location":"install.html#testing-python-version","text":"[$] python3 --version Python 3.6.8 [$] pip3 --version pip 9.0.3 from /usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages (python 3.6)","title":"Testing Python Version"},{"location":"install.html#mkdocs","text":"MkDocs Website NOTE: on some linux systems you may need pip3 instead of pip .","title":"MkDocs"},{"location":"install.html#installing-mkdocs-and-common-plugins","text":"sudo pip install mkdocs sudo pip install mkdocs-pdf-export-plugin sudo pip install mkdocs-bootstrap sudo pip install python-markdown-math sudo pip install","title":"Installing MkDocs and common plugins"},{"location":"install.html#testing-mkdocs-version","text":"[$] mkdocs --version mkdocs, version 1.1 from /usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mkdocs (Python 3.6) For windows you can omit sudo in the above commands. NOTE: You will need MkDocs version 1.1 to work with this template. If you have an older version try upgrading with: sudo pip3 install -U mkdocs","title":"Testing MkDocs Version"},{"location":"install.html#markdown","text":"It takes about 5-10 minutes to learn basic markdown. Markdown Learning Markdown Markdown Cheatsheet Optional Tools","title":"Markdown"},{"location":"license.html","text":"Sikuliaq IT Asset Manager License ISC License (ISC) Copyright: 2021 University of Alaska Fairbanks - College of Fisheries and Ocean Science - R/V Sikuliaq Author: John Haverlack Source: Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE.","title":"License"},{"location":"license.html#sikuliaq-it-asset-manager-license","text":"","title":"Sikuliaq IT Asset Manager License"},{"location":"license.html#isc-license-isc","text":"Copyright: 2021 University of Alaska Fairbanks - College of Fisheries and Ocean Science - R/V Sikuliaq Author: John Haverlack Source: Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE.","title":"ISC License (ISC)"},{"location":"menu.html","text":"Menu navigation As described on the Editing page To modify the navigation menu find the following section in mkdocs.yml . nav: - <span class=\"fas fa-home\"></span>: - Setup: - Install: - Optional Tool: - ... - Features: - Search: - Swipe Nav: -... However both top and sub nav menu items can also be both Markdown or URL links. For example: nav: - Home: - Sikuliaq: - UAF: - UAF: - CFOS:","title":"Menu"},{"location":"menu.html#menu-navigation","text":"As described on the Editing page To modify the navigation menu find the following section in mkdocs.yml . nav: - <span class=\"fas fa-home\"></span>: - Setup: - Install: - Optional Tool: - ... - Features: - Search: - Swipe Nav: -... However both top and sub nav menu items can also be both Markdown or URL links. For example: nav: - Home: - Sikuliaq: - UAF: - UAF: - CFOS:","title":"Menu navigation"},{"location":"optional.html","text":"Optional Recommended Tools MkDocs provides a test webserver that can be used to test the static HTML website. mkdocs serve However you might prefer the Node.js http-server for this purpose. Node.js Node.js or via NVM (No Admin Privs Needed) curl -o- | bash nvm install --lts [$] node --version v12.14.1 [$] npm --version 6.13.4 http-server (Requires Node.js) http-server npm install --global http-server Atom Editor Atom is a popular free cross platform code editor. Git Git is a helpful tool for managing revision control on your website code. Cloning the Template","title":"Optional"},{"location":"optional.html#optional-recommended-tools","text":"MkDocs provides a test webserver that can be used to test the static HTML website. mkdocs serve However you might prefer the Node.js http-server for this purpose.","title":"Optional Recommended Tools"},{"location":"optional.html#nodejs","text":"Node.js","title":"Node.js"},{"location":"optional.html#or-via-nvm-no-admin-privs-needed","text":"curl -o- | bash nvm install --lts [$] node --version v12.14.1 [$] npm --version 6.13.4","title":"or via NVM (No Admin Privs Needed)"},{"location":"optional.html#http-server","text":"(Requires Node.js) http-server npm install --global http-server","title":"http-server"},{"location":"optional.html#atom-editor","text":" Atom is a popular free cross platform code editor.","title":"Atom Editor"},{"location":"optional.html#git","text":" Git is a helpful tool for managing revision control on your website code. Cloning the Template","title":"Git"},{"location":"pdf.html","text":"PDF Export MkDocs supports exporting your documentation to PDF. Enable the Plugin In your mkdocs.yml Config File plugins: - pdf-export: verbose: true media_type: print combined: true combined_output_path: pdf/skq-docs.pdf Not all HTML code renders well as PDF. The PDF exporter slows down ```mkdocs build --clean``` so it is recommended to disable the plugin untils your site is completed.","title":"Pdf"},{"location":"pdf.html#pdf-export","text":"MkDocs supports exporting your documentation to PDF.","title":"PDF Export"},{"location":"pdf.html#enable-the-plugin","text":"In your mkdocs.yml Config File plugins: - pdf-export: verbose: true media_type: print combined: true combined_output_path: pdf/skq-docs.pdf Not all HTML code renders well as PDF. The PDF exporter slows down ```mkdocs build --clean``` so it is recommended to disable the plugin untils your site is completed.","title":"Enable the Plugin"},{"location":"search.html","text":"Site Search MkDocs includes a handy search pluggin feature. To enable site search: Search Pluggin To enable site Search add the - search to the mkdocs.yml plugins section. plugins: - search","title":"Search"},{"location":"search.html#site-search","text":"MkDocs includes a handy search pluggin feature. To enable site search: Search Pluggin To enable site Search add the - search to the mkdocs.yml plugins section. plugins: - search","title":"Site Search"},{"location":"stats.html","text":"Stats Systems Summary System OS Versions Systems Installed by Year Software Up to Date per Application Software Up to Date per Host","title":"Stats"},{"location":"stats.html#stats","text":"","title":" Stats"},{"location":"stats.html#systems-summary","text":"","title":"Systems Summary"},{"location":"stats.html#system-os-versions","text":"","title":"System OS Versions"},{"location":"stats.html#systems-installed-by-year","text":"","title":"Systems Installed by Year"},{"location":"stats.html#software-up-to-date-per-application","text":"","title":"Software Up to Date per Application"},{"location":"stats.html#software-up-to-date-per-host","text":"","title":"Software Up to Date per Host"},{"location":"swipe.html","text":"Swipe Navigation On touchscreen enable devices, in additon to the Previous and Next nav bar buttons you can also swipe right (previous) and left (next) to navigate the site. Swipe navigation is not a feature of MkDocs but is a custom modification included in this template. custom/js/swipenav.js For details see the following JavaScript code. var links = document.getElementsByTagName(\"a\"); for (l in links) { if (String(links[l].innerHTML).match(/fa-arrow-left.*Previous/)) { // if (links[l].innerHTML == '<i class=\"fa fa-arrow-left\"></i> Previous') { links[l].classList.add(\"previous\") // console.log(l + ' [' + links[l].innerHTML + '] ' + links[l].href) } if (String(links[l].innerHTML).match(/Next.*fa-arrow-right/)) { // if(links[l].innerHTML == 'Next <i class=\"fa fa-arrow-right\"></i>') { links[l].classList.add(\"next\") // console.log(l + ' [' + links[l].innerHTML + '] ' + links[l].href) } } $(\"body\").on('swipeleft', function(e) { if ($(\".next\").attr('href')) { window.location.replace( $(\".next\").attr('href') ); } }); $(\"body\").on('swiperight', function(e) { if ($(\".previous\").attr('href')) { window.location.replace( $(\".previous\").attr('href') ); } });","title":"Swipe"},{"location":"swipe.html#swipe-navigation","text":"On touchscreen enable devices, in additon to the Previous and Next nav bar buttons you can also swipe right (previous) and left (next) to navigate the site. Swipe navigation is not a feature of MkDocs but is a custom modification included in this template.","title":"Swipe Navigation"},{"location":"swipe.html#customjsswipenavjs","text":"For details see the following JavaScript code. var links = document.getElementsByTagName(\"a\"); for (l in links) { if (String(links[l].innerHTML).match(/fa-arrow-left.*Previous/)) { // if (links[l].innerHTML == '<i class=\"fa fa-arrow-left\"></i> Previous') { links[l].classList.add(\"previous\") // console.log(l + ' [' + links[l].innerHTML + '] ' + links[l].href) } if (String(links[l].innerHTML).match(/Next.*fa-arrow-right/)) { // if(links[l].innerHTML == 'Next <i class=\"fa fa-arrow-right\"></i>') { links[l].classList.add(\"next\") // console.log(l + ' [' + links[l].innerHTML + '] ' + links[l].href) } } $(\"body\").on('swipeleft', function(e) { if ($(\".next\").attr('href')) { window.location.replace( $(\".next\").attr('href') ); } }); $(\"body\").on('swiperight', function(e) { if ($(\".previous\").attr('href')) { window.location.replace( $(\".previous\").attr('href') ); } });","title":"custom/js/swipenav.js"},{"location":"test.html","text":"Testing the Site [$] cd skq-mkdocs-templates There is more than one way to test a mkdocs website. Open site/index.html in the browser Point your browser to: file:///PATH-TO-TEMPLATE/site/index.html NOTE: Some Javascript features may note work in all browsers with this method. Firefox seems to work best with this method. Run the mkdocs serve test server [$] mkdocs serve INFO - Building documentation... PDF export is disabled (set environment variable ENABLE_PDF_EXPORT to 1 to enable) INFO - Cleaning site directory [I 200208 15:58:49 server:296] Serving on [I 200208 15:58:49 handlers:62] Start watching changes [I 200208 15:58:49 handlers:64] Start detecting changes [I 200208 15:59:08 handlers:135] Browser Connected: Point your browser to: Killing server Press CTRL-C to stop the mkdocs server . Run the http-server test server See: Optional Tools to install. [$ skq-mkdocs-template] http-server site Starting up http-server, serving site Available on: Hit CTRL-C to stop the server Point your browser to: http://YOUR-IP:8080 Debugging Tip In modern web browsers (Firefox, Chrome, etc) you can right click in the background of a webpage and select Inspect to view Console , Network and Elements to debug HTML for your site. Editing Content","title":"Test"},{"location":"test.html#testing-the-site","text":"[$] cd skq-mkdocs-templates There is more than one way to test a mkdocs website.","title":"Testing the Site"},{"location":"test.html#open-siteindexhtml-in-the-browser","text":"Point your browser to: file:///PATH-TO-TEMPLATE/site/index.html NOTE: Some Javascript features may note work in all browsers with this method. Firefox seems to work best with this method.","title":"Open site/index.html in the browser"},{"location":"test.html#run-the-mkdocs-serve-test-server","text":"[$] mkdocs serve INFO - Building documentation... PDF export is disabled (set environment variable ENABLE_PDF_EXPORT to 1 to enable) INFO - Cleaning site directory [I 200208 15:58:49 server:296] Serving on [I 200208 15:58:49 handlers:62] Start watching changes [I 200208 15:58:49 handlers:64] Start detecting changes [I 200208 15:59:08 handlers:135] Browser Connected: Point your browser to:","title":"Run the mkdocs serve test server"},{"location":"test.html#killing-server","text":"Press CTRL-C to stop the mkdocs server .","title":"Killing server"},{"location":"test.html#run-the-http-server-test-server","text":"See: Optional Tools to install. [$ skq-mkdocs-template] http-server site Starting up http-server, serving site Available on: Hit CTRL-C to stop the server Point your browser to: http://YOUR-IP:8080","title":"Run the http-server test server"},{"location":"test.html#debugging-tip","text":"In modern web browsers (Firefox, Chrome, etc) you can right click in the background of a webpage and select Inspect to view Console , Network and Elements to debug HTML for your site. Editing Content","title":"Debugging Tip"},{"location":"version.html","text":"Site Version A custom site version date has been added to the mkdocs.yml configuration file. extra: version: 2020-02-08 The Version is rendered in the footer of all MkDocs site page.","title":"Version"},{"location":"version.html#site-version","text":"A custom site version date has been added to the mkdocs.yml configuration file. extra: version: 2020-02-08 The Version is rendered in the footer of all MkDocs site page.","title":"Site Version"},{"location":"versions.html","text":"Change Log 1.0.3 2023.01.14 - CFOS IT Branch Fixes 1.0.2 2021-07-27 - Minor Bug Fixes 1.0.1 2021-07-21 - Fixing Appendix-D Exports 1.0.0 2021-07-16 - First Major Release / Published at 0.0.13 2021-07-14 - Asset List 0.0.12 2021-06-30 - HW and SW Statistics Report 0.0.11 2021-06-28 - Appendix D Software Report 0.0.10 2021-06-26 - Unique ID Bug Fixes 0.0.9 2021-06-24 - Legacy Mac Support 0.0.8 2021-06-23 - Data Reporting and Charting 0.0.7 2021-06-22 - Win7 Client support (pre-production beta release) 0.0.6 2021-06-21 - Adding Win7 Client and dmidecode support 0.0.5 2021-06-17 - Beta Release - Testing on Sikuliaq 0.0.4 2021-06-15 - Development Release - Data Logger 0.0.3 2021-06-10 - Development Release - Win/Mac/Linux Clients Baseline 0.0.2 2021-06-09 - Development Release - Building Basic Client Server Framework 0.0.1 2021-06-04 - Development Release - Building Basic Website RoadMap Bug Fixes Fix Unique ID Generation for systems which have been cloned from VM or system Images. Some Mac OS X Client Versions may not have correct System Profiler Fix Software Inventory Exporter Caveats The server on port 8411 does not support authentication or SSL. And should only be run on internal networks, not open to the Internet. Features Add Manual Edit Web UI Refactor code to support modular data acquisition and reporting modules. Add Self Hosted Git Repo Add Self Hosted NODEJS Repo Add Admin Web UI with Authentication Add Windows Service Pack Monitoring Add support for windows XP Add support for Arch LinuxMint Add support for VMWare ESXi Server","title":"Changelog"},{"location":"versions.html#change-log","text":"1.0.3 2023.01.14 - CFOS IT Branch Fixes 1.0.2 2021-07-27 - Minor Bug Fixes 1.0.1 2021-07-21 - Fixing Appendix-D Exports 1.0.0 2021-07-16 - First Major Release / Published at 0.0.13 2021-07-14 - Asset List 0.0.12 2021-06-30 - HW and SW Statistics Report 0.0.11 2021-06-28 - Appendix D Software Report 0.0.10 2021-06-26 - Unique ID Bug Fixes 0.0.9 2021-06-24 - Legacy Mac Support 0.0.8 2021-06-23 - Data Reporting and Charting 0.0.7 2021-06-22 - Win7 Client support (pre-production beta release) 0.0.6 2021-06-21 - Adding Win7 Client and dmidecode support 0.0.5 2021-06-17 - Beta Release - Testing on Sikuliaq 0.0.4 2021-06-15 - Development Release - Data Logger 0.0.3 2021-06-10 - Development Release - Win/Mac/Linux Clients Baseline 0.0.2 2021-06-09 - Development Release - Building Basic Client Server Framework 0.0.1 2021-06-04 - Development Release - Building Basic Website","title":"Change Log"},{"location":"versions.html#roadmap","text":"","title":"RoadMap"},{"location":"versions.html#bug-fixes","text":"Fix Unique ID Generation for systems which have been cloned from VM or system Images. Some Mac OS X Client Versions may not have correct System Profiler Fix Software Inventory Exporter","title":"Bug Fixes"},{"location":"versions.html#caveats","text":"The server on port 8411 does not support authentication or SSL. And should only be run on internal networks, not open to the Internet.","title":"Caveats"},{"location":"versions.html#features","text":"Add Manual Edit Web UI Refactor code to support modular data acquisition and reporting modules. Add Self Hosted Git Repo Add Self Hosted NODEJS Repo Add Admin Web UI with Authentication Add Windows Service Pack Monitoring Add support for windows XP Add support for Arch LinuxMint Add support for VMWare ESXi Server","title":"Features"}]}