Diving Operations on Sikuliaq
Dr. Jim Thompson and Alex de Klerk of UW/APL diving off the Alaskan Arctic coastline. Photo courtesy of Lucia Hosekova
Scientific diving conducted from R/V Sikuliaq, must be coordinated with the UAF Scientific Diving Program or your institution's scientific diving program with agreement from the UAF dive safety officer.
Scientific diving programs must meet the minimum American Academy of Underwater Sciences’ (AAUS) Standards for Scientific Diving Certification and Operation. As required by AAUS Standards, a single lead institution’s campus diving administration will be designated for cruises requiring diving. This is accomplished by the agreement between the UAF Scientific Dive Safety Program and the guest dive safety program and subject to the approval of the Marine Superintendent.
A diving emergency management procedure must be developed and approved by the UAF dive safety officer for each cruise supporting diving. The emergency management document must be submitted to the Marine Superintendent prior to your cruise.
Chapter 11 of the UNOLS Research Vessel Safety Standards Manual covers UNOLS requirements for diving operations.
UAF Diving Manual
NSF Standards for the Conduct of Scientific Diving