
The transport and use of explosives is strictly regulated by the U.S. Coast Guard. Any projects requiring the use of explosives must coordinate, well in advance of your project, with the Marine Superintendent.

Since USCG rules dealing with explosives are stringent and strictly enforced, the Port Captain and USCG Office should be contacted at least 8 weeks prior to the cruise departure date. In addition, Fish and Game Departments, local and state law enforcement agencies, fire departments, etc. should be contacted for information on possible restrictions, truck routing, spot assistance and inspections, etc.

The use of explosives, sonic emitters, or towed devices (as well as instrumented moorings) present special hazards to submarine operations and navigation. The National-Geospatial Agency (NGA) (Formerly the National Imagery and Mapping Agency) has agreed to disseminate information concerning underwater hazards as part of the Notice to Mariner system. See chapter and chapter 9 in the UNOLS Research Vessel Safety Standards Manual for details on reporting these hazards.

Rules for carrying, stowage, and labeling of explosives on inspected ships are given in 46 CFR, Subchapter U . All UNOLS research vessels should follow these rules. In addition, 49 CFR 176 prescribes requirements for all vessels carrying hazardous materials in the domestic waters of the United States, with some exceptions. Magazines and storage areas should be properly labeled and inspected daily, and safety precautions should be posted. (46 CFR 194.05, 194.10, 196.80, 196.85)
