A Real-time, Web-based, GIS Mapping and Data Tool
MapServer is available to everyone aboard, via the ship's internal website.
- Base Layers
- Bathymetry used: The International Bathymetric Chart of the Arctic Ocean(IBCAO) and TOPEX
- Gridded multi-beam data is from past Sikuliaq cruises and publicly available data bases.
- Bathymetric data can be requested for regions not currently covered, if the data is available.
- Display Multiple Layers at the same time.
- Plot Sikuliaq's Underway Data
- Sea-surface temp/salinity/chlorophyll are available when the uncontaminated seawater system is running.
- Currents are available when the WH300 ADCP is installed and running
- Other underway data layers may be requested and considered by the developer.
- Sea-surface temp/salinity/chlorophyll are available when the uncontaminated seawater system is running.
- Route Planner
- Alaska Coastal Community maritime harvest/activity/resource areas
- Please read the CECSOP document for more information about this layer.
- Please read the CECSOP document for more information about this layer.
The layers listed below are not always available. Some need advanced notice. Other layers, not listed below, may be requested during your pre-cruise meeting. The links below are screenshots from MapServer. NOTE: Layer updates are dependent on internet availability/bandwidth.
Sea Surface Layers
Meterological Layers
- GFS Wind Speed
- NOAA WaveWatch
- VIIR, MODIS Visible, IR
- The MODIS products can be used as sea-ice layers when there is enough daylight and no cloud cover.
Sea-Ice Layers
- The National Ice Center provides ice product support to Sikuliaq. For additional imagery, please contact the Science Operations Manager.
- Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2 (AMSR2) Sea-Ice Concentration
- Global Ocean Forecasting System (GOFS) Sea Ice Drift Model
- GOFS Sea Ice Concentration Model
- GOFS Sea Ice Thickness Model
- National Ice Center Marginal Ice Zone(MIZ)
- National Weather Service Sea-ice Analysis
- RADARSAT-2/Sentinel SAR Sea-ice Images