Radioactive Materials (Isotopes)

The possession, use, and disposal of radioisotopes onboard the R/V Sikuliaq shall comply with the regulations of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and the statutes put forth by the State of Alaska regarding Radiation Protection (7 AAC 18). All activities involving radioisotopes shall be sanctioned by the University of Alaska Fairbanks Radiation Safety Committee (UAF RSC) and be monitored as appropriate by the UAF Radiation Safety Officer (UAF RSO).

In order to ensure timely processing of authorization requests, including any necessary approvals from the NRC, it is necessary for researchers wishing to use radioactive materials aboard R/V Sikuliaq to submit their written requests to the UAF Radiation Safety Officer(RSO) at least 60 days in advance of the cruise date. The UAF RSO will review your Radioisotope Use Plan and approve, limit or cancel any use of radioactive materials aboard Sikuliaq.

Stable Isotopes

Labeled Stable Isotope work is allowed within the skin of the vessel given the following guidelines are followed. Please read the UNOLS Findings and Recommendations for the use of Stable Isotopes .

  • Labeled stable isotope users should practice good chemical hygiene habits as recommended/required by their home institution. Good practices should include but not be limited to:
    • Labeled stable isotope work is to be conducted in a contained area.
    • Gloves used with labeled stable isotopes are to be removed prior to leaving the work area.
    • Labeled stable isotope chemicals are to be kept away from common use equipment such as niskin bottles.
    • Spills of any sort are to be reported immediately.
    • Stock solutions should have secondary containment.
  • The labeled stable isotope work area should be thoroughly cleaned with a dilute acid solution after use.
  • The ship should be SWAB'ed after the last use of radioisotopes and then again after the labeled stable isotope work.
  • As an added precaution, the Principal Investigator should contact the stable isotope manufacturer to discuss the possibility of radioisotopic contamination.
