Safety at Seward Marine Center Facilities

The list below describes basic safety requirements for all Seward Marine Center(SMC), R/V Sikuliaq and visiting personnel using the SMC facilities; including the dock, buildings and equipment such as forklifts and tools. This list is not intended to be complete but to address common operations. University of Alaska Fairbanks College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences, as an agency of the State of Alaska, is subject to Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) regulations.

  • Hardhats are to be worn anytime cargo or equipment is being handled overhead by cranes or other lifting devices. This includes loading/unloading with the ship’s cranes.

  • Work vests or other PFD’s are to be worn by any personnel handling lines for ships or working near the unguarded edge of the dock or mooring/breasting dolphins.

  • Personnel are to transfer between vessels and the dock by a properly rigged brow (“gangway”). In rare exceptions where personnel may need to transfer in the absence of a brow they must be wearing a PFD.

  • SMC forklifts are to be operated only by qualified personnel certified by SMC Ship Operations.

  • Tools, particularly power tools, in the machine shop or carpentry shop are to be used only by trained and qualified personnel. The use of this equipment is limited to SMC personnel and Marine Technician personnel. Welding equipment shall be used only by the Port Engineer or Ship’s engineers or others approved by the Port Engineer.

  • Suitable protective equipment including safety glasses, hearing protection, gloves, etc., shall be worn when using tools or other potentially hazardous equipment.

  • Vehicles shall be operated at a speed of no more than 10 mph on facility grounds.

  • ALL UAF Regular and Temporary Employees are required to take the trainings listed on the UAF Safety Training Website . If you are requesting to work in an area where additional training is needed we can assist you with the proper avenue.

Resources available at SMC are:

  • Local Job Hazard Analysis forms
  • Forklift Training for UAF employees
  • Departmental Emergency Action Plan
  • Unsafe Condition Reports
