Cranes on R/V Sikuliaq

Sikuliaq starboard crane
Photo courtesy of Dan Naber

Sikuliaq has been outfitted with port and starboard Appleton KEB190-50-30 cranes.


Radius (ft.) Capacity onboard (lbs.) Capacity offboard (lbs.) Dock Side Capacity (lbs.)
@ Sea State 5(SS5) @ Sea State 5(SS5)
8.72 35,437 13,000 35,437
10.00 35,437 13,000 35,437
15.00 35,437 13,000 35,437
20.00 35,437 13,000 35,437
25.00 28,846 13,000 35,437
30.00 23,846 8000 28,000
35.00 19,230 5000 23,000
40.00 15,625 3000 20,000
45.00 12,500 2500 17,000
50.00 9357 2000 15,000

The Following Drawing is Only a Means to Illustrate Crane Reach. Please reference the Maximum Capacity Document for crane loading.

Sikuliaq Crane Reach Diagram
