Sikuliaq's Scientific Equipment
Photo courtesy of Ethan Roth
A full list of the ship's scientific equipment can be found at the UNOLS Equipment Inventory Search website . Please set the filter to Sikuliaq. Contact the Science Operations Manager with any questions.
- CTD Systems
- XBT System
- Scientific Navigation and Timing
- Science Echosounder Systems
- Rutter X-Band Radar
- E-Pure Water System
- Uncontaminated Seawater System
- Incubator Seawater System
CTD Systems
Sikuliaq sails with a SeaBird 911+ with dual conductivity and dual temperature sensors in a standard SeaBird Carousel with 24-12 liter Niskin bottles. The Niskin bottles have internal teflon coated springs and dual sampling petcocks, one for standard(use 1/4" I.D.tubing) and one for larger volume sampling (use 1/2" I.D. tubing). A complete spare system(911+, sensors, niskins bottles, rosette frame) is on board.
Sensors typically attached are:
- SBE 43, Dissolved oxygen - 7000m
- Wet Labs FL or ECO Fluorometer - 6000m (please inquire about wavelength)
- ECO Triplet - 600m
- The ECO Triplet is configured to measure Chlorophyll, FDOM and Scattering @ 650nm.
- Note: The ECO Triplet is connected via the SBE 911+ serial uplink port. The data output is not integrated with the 911+ system, but logged separately with the LDEO Data System (LDS). A merged file, with core CTD data appended to it, is also logged.
- WetLabs C-Star 25cm Transmissometer - 6000m
- Biospherical QSP-2300 PAR - 2000m
- TriTech PA200/20 Altimeter - 6000m
Additional sensors available upon request:
- SBE 18, pH - 1200m
- RINKO III Oxygen Optode - 7000m
- Seapoint Chlorophyll Fluorometer - 6000m
All three of Sikuliaq's SBE 911+ units have the serial uplink option. The maximum allowable current draw for all frequency and auxiliary voltage sensors is 1 amp. Sensors supplied by the science party can be integrated and mounted to the CTD instrument cage or rosette frame. Please provide advanced notice by contacting the Science Operations Manager.
Additional CTD systems available upon request:
- SBE 49 FastCAT with PDIM and SBE 33 deck unit
- CastAway
XBT System
A MK21 Ethernet DAQ system is connected to our CTD computer. Sikuliaq has T-7 expendable probes aboard. Science parties can provide compatible probes to use with this system. Please discuss this option with the Science Operations Manager during your pre-cruise planning meeting.
Scientific Navigation and Timing
SeaPath 380-R3 Precise Heading, Attitude and Positioning Sensor
Seapath is Sikuliaq's primary inertial navigation system for scientific applications. Two unobstructed GNSS receivers on top of the main mast (2.5 meter spacing) determine position and velocity. A MGC-R3 unit, which is a combined motion sensor/gyro compass, measures heading, roll, pitch, and heave. The C-NAV3050 differential correction improves the Seapath's accuracy to within less than one meter. The position is referenced to the origin of Sikuliaq's 3-D coordinate system, which is a granite block located in the Science Hold. Seapath provides 100 Hz navigation and timing information to all of the Kongsberg hydrographic systems (EM304, EM710, TOPAS PS18, EK80). The ship's science data acquisition system records this at 1 and 10 Hz, and provides various types of data broadcasts distributed throughout the ship.
Trimble MPS865 Modular GNSS Heading Receiver
Tekron NTS-03-G+ Time Server
Science Echosounder Systems
Sikuliaq has one of the most advanced suites of hull-mounted acoustic sensing systems in the US academic research fleet. Due to its ice-clearing hull shape, the transducer arrays are installed on a sonar flat - referred to as a blister - and retractable drop keel - referred to as a centerboard. The start of the blister transitions from the bottom of the vessel's ice knife at the bow, with the EM304 MKII Tx array. All of the transducer wells in the blister are flooded with seawater and protected by acoustically-transparent ice windows, except for the EM710 which is encapsulated in titanium. See the diagram below for spare well locations.
In 2016, the two Ocean Surveyor ADCPs were relocated from the fwd outboard wells to the aft inboard spare wells in order to reduce the effects of bubble sweep. More detail on the centerboard transducer arrangement can be found below.
In 2022, the fleet spare OS38 was installed for a trial evaluation.
All of the vessel's transducer arrays have been surveyed into Sikuliaq's 3-D coordinate system with a distance precision of <5mm and angular precision of <1 arc minute. Multi-beam patch tests and EK80 target strength calibrations are performed annually. Impedance measurements are made annually for each element of the EM710 and EK80 arrays. EM304 impedance is automatically measured when BIST tests are conducted, usually at the start of each cruise.
Transceiver Units (TRUs) for the EM304, EM710, and TOPAS are located in the Electrician's Workshop on the 1st Platform. The EK80 wide-band transceivers (WBTs) are located in the Main Lab, and the ADCP transceiver deck units are located in the Computer Lab. All of the operator workstations are in the Computer Lab. K-sync can provide external triggers to all of the scientific echosounders - but not the bridge navigation equipment - to help reduce acoustic interference between systems. Realtime spectrograms from the HAP-5050 hydrophone array are useful for self-noise monitoring. Sikuliaq meets strict requirements for minimizing underwater radiated noise (URN) .
Acoustic Equipment Arrangement. Click diagram for larger version.
Sikuliaq's echosounder systems:
- Kongsberg K-sync Synchronizing Unit
- Knudsen 3260 12 kHz - Chirp PDR
- Teledyne Benthos Universal Deck Box located in the aft LAN rack in the Main Lab
- Tonpilz 4 - 24 kHz transducer mounted to the bottom of the centerboard
- Specs
- The science party can attach their own acoustic deck box to the ship's centerboard transducer or hull-mounted transducer via a BNC cable connection, in the Main Lab.
- HAP 5050 - Self Noise Monitoring Array
- LSE 297 50 kHz - Bridge Navigation Sonar
- LSE 297 200 kHz- Bridge Navigation Sonar
- Sperry Doppler Speed Log
300 kHz ADCP
A Teledyne RDI Workhorse Sentinel 300kHz ADCP , with an integrated pressure sensor, is installed in the forward spare well on the Centerboard. There is no ice-window or deck unit installed. Data acquisition is via UHDAS. If the science party requests use of the spare well, this ADCP will be temporarily removed.
UHDAS Daily Current Figures available when the ship is underway and running the ADCP.
38, 75 and 150 kHz ADCP
Sikuliaq has three ADCP transducers mounted on the hull. See the Acoustic Arrangement above for locations.
- Teledyne RDI Ocean Surveyor 38 kHz ADCP .
- Teledyne RDI Ocean Surveyor 75 kHz ADCP .
- Teledyne RDI Ocean Surveyor 150 kHz ADCP .
- Glass-filled, polycarbonate ice windows are used to protect the transducers. Data acquisition is via UHDAS.
- UHDAS Daily Current Figures available when the ship is underway and running the ADCPs.
Simrad EK80
- Five split-beam transducers: 18kHz, 38kHz, 70kHz, 120kHz, 200kHz
- The transducer array is located on the centerboard, which is either flush to the hull or lowered 8 ft.(2.44m) below the hull
- Ice Window: No
- An electronic control system with three Cannon down-riggers is used for Target Strength calibrations.
- Datasheets
Kongsberg EM304 MKII Multi-beam
- Operating Freq: 20-30 kHz
- Transducer array: .5 deg X 1 deg
- Depth Range: 10m-Full Ocean Depth
- Pulse Forms: FM chirp
- Max soundings/ping: 1600
- Depth Resolution: 0.5 m
- Ice Window: Yes
- Datasheet
- 2024 Sea Acceptance/Calibration Report
Kongsberg EM710 Multi-beam
- Operating Freq: 70-100 kHz
- Transducer array: .5 degree X 1 degree
- Depth Range: 3-1000m
- Pulse Forms: CW and FM chirp
- Max soundings/ping: 400
- Depth Resolution: 1 cm
- Ice Window: Yes
- Datasheet
- 2024 Calibration Report
Kongsberg TOPAS PS18 Parametric Sub-bottom Profiler
- Frequency Range: 0.5-6,15-20,30-42kHz
- Signatures : CW, Chirp, Ricker
- Depth Range: 30 – 10000m
- Max Penetration: ~150m
- Audible noise inside hull: none
- Ice window: Yes
- Datasheet
Sikuliaq is provisioned with an acoustic drop keel (Centerboard). It can be lowered/deployed 8 feet(2.44m) below the hull where its transducers are out of the bubble sweep boundary layer.
- There is a spare 12" well where the Workhorse 300 ADCP normally resides. Other installations have included a USBL, LBL, and camera.
- The transducer array can be accessed while the ship is in the water when the centerboard is raised into a maintenance position. It can also be placed flush with the hull or recessed two feet into the hull for protection from sea-ice.
- When the WH300 ADCP is running, its pressure sensor can indicate the postion of the centerboard acoustic array:
- Deployed, 8.2 meters below average water line
- Flush with Hull, 6.0 meters below average water line
- Note: When the centerboard is in the Safe position, recessed two feet(0.5m), the WH300 will not be run.
- A Sea-bird SBE 38 temperature sensor and AML Sound Velocity sensor are installed at the bottom(shoe) of the centerboard.
- Slotted gratings have been installed on opposite sides of the centerboard shoe to increase the re-fresh rate of sea-water.
- A pump at the bottom(shoe) of the centerboard can provide water for the Uncontaminated Seawater System when the bow intake is clogged with slush/ice.
Sikuliaq Centerboard Arrangement
Sikuliaq Acoustic Arrangement
Left: Centerboard deployed. Sonar flat can be seen forward of the centerboard. Right: Bottom of Centerboard
Rutter X-Band Radar
The primary interface for this system is located on the bridge while remote viewing is accessible through the ship's video distribution system. An interactive website is also available via Sikuliaq's ship-side website.
The CSTARS radar processing generates near-real time wave, near-surface current, sea surface roughness, and sea ice drift products. It is based on the raw backscatter intensity measurements of a Sperry Marine BridgeMaster E marine X-band radar, which are acquired by Rutter’s WaMoS II in the binary POL format. To ensure high quality results, the radar is regularly calibrated for azimuth, range, and time offsets and the processing is continuously monitored. The products are stored in NetCDF format and include two-dimensional (2D) wave energy density spectra and the associated peak and mean wave parameters, 2D gridded near-surface current measurements, mean sea surface roughness images, and 2D gridded sea ice drift measurements. All products will be included in the underway data archive upon completion of a post-installation testing phase.
Upon request the native software imaging tools can record the radar display as a spatially referenced GeoTIFF image (GPS time is embedded in the file naming convention). The images can be captured at fixed intervals and saved in daily directories to the underway data archive. Other image formats are available upon request.
* Sigma S6 WaMos II
* Sigma S6 Ice Navigator
* Scientific Uses
Ultra Pure Water System
Sikuliaq has been provisioned with three Barnstead™ D4641 E-Pure™ Water Purification Systems. They are located in the Analytic Lab, Wet Lab, and Main Lab.
- Data sheet
- Resistivity: 18-18.2MW-cm at 25°C
- Feed-water Source: Distilled Water
Uncontaminated Seawater System (UNCSW)
- Bow intake is located 6.0 meters below average waterline on the port-side of the ice knife, forward of the bow thruster intake. See photo below.
- Bypass line for a Sea-bird SBE 38 temperature sensor near the intake
- Hayward dual strainers with 1/32" mesh size on baskets
- Fybroc series 2530 close-coupled seal-less pump with variable speed motor
- Typical system pressure is 20 psi
- Insulated SeaCor thermoplastic 2" CPVC schedule 80 pipe & fittings
- Multiple, serial, 3/4" FNPT outlets in the Main Lab, Wet Lab, and Analytical Lab to plumb in instruments from your science project or for underway water sampling. One, 1" FNPT outlet, in the Baltic Room.
- Final discharge into the centerboard void
- Freshwater flush performed at the end of each cruise. Bleaching of pipes performed periodically(instruments are bypassed).
- Note: There is a warming effect between the sea-chest intake and the labs. This can be quantified by the temperature difference between the SBE 38(intake) and the SBE 45(Wet Wall) sensors.
- UNCSW System Arrangement
Sea-Ice Operations
If the bow intake becomes clogged/frozen with slush, seawater can be supplied to the Wet Wall, PCO2 system and main lab sinks via a pump system in the centerboard.
- When the WH300 ADCP is running, its pressure sensor can indicate the postion of the centerboard UNCSW pump:
- Deployed, 8.2 meters below average water line
- Flush with Hull, 6.0 meters below average water line
- When the centerboard is recessed into the SAFE position(2 feet above the hull), intake depth is 5.5m below the average waterline. This is essentially the same water passing under the hull because water passes under the hull and into the void created.
Please contact the Science Operations Manager with any questions.
Bottom of the ship's bow
Incubator Seawater System
- Intake location is the same as UNCSW at 6.0 meters below waterline
- Water temperature data can be obtained from the Sea-bird SBE 38 instrument as part of the Uncontaminated Seawater system. See above.
- Carver GH series pump
- Typical system pressure is 30-50 psi
- Copper-nickel 3" pipe and fittings
- Outlets: main deck aft of Baltic Room, 01 & 02 foredeck, 04 deck aft of bridge
- Deck manifold available upon request
- Final discharge is out of the incubators and over the side of the ship
- Incubator Seawater System Arrangement