Underway Sensors

Data from Sikuliaq's underway sensors are logged by our science data acquisition system. Each sensor's data string can be found in the Format Descriptions document , located on the underway data external hard drive, given to the chief scientist at the end of each cruise.
Much of the underway sensor data can be viewed in Real-Time via TV monitors through-out the ship or your stateroom, the ship's internal website or the monitors in the computer lab.


Seawater Sensors

Currently Installed Instruments:

Wet Wall in Main Lab

Wet Wall in Main Lab. Click photo for larger version.

PCO2 System PCO2 Equilibrator

PCO2 System and AFT-pH sensor in Wet Lab

Meteorological Sensors

Currently Installed Instruments:

Available Instruments Upon Request:


  • A Bridge Cam is located inside the bridge looking forward at the bow. It is capturing a time stamped, low resolution, .JPEG photo once every minute while the ship is underway. The images are included in the LDS. A live video stream from the camera is available on the ship's internal website and TV system.
  • A GeoCam system is installed on the bridge. Three cameras are mounted to create ice mosaics. This system collects data only upon request.
