Underway Sensors
Data from Sikuliaq's underway sensors are logged by our science data acquisition system. Each sensor's data string can be found in the Format Descriptions document , located on the underway data external hard drive, given to the chief scientist at the end of each cruise.
Much of the underway sensor data can be viewed in Real-Time via TV monitors through-out the ship or your stateroom, the ship's internal website or the monitors in the computer lab.
Seawater Sensors
Currently Installed Instruments:
- 02 deck,
- Heitronics Infrared radiation pyrometer, Models: CT15.85 and CT09.85WT , measuring sea surface skin temperature. Photo
- The CT15 sea surface skin temperature is corrected for reflected sky radiance with a direct input from a CT09 infrared radiation pyrometer. The CT09 is pointed skyward, orthogonal to the CT15.
- Location: starboard side of the ship, forward of the Science Control Room(SCR), 8.8 m(29.0') above average water line.
- Heitronics Infrared radiation pyrometer, Models: CT15.85 and CT09.85WT , measuring sea surface skin temperature. Photo
- Bow Thruster Room
- Sea-bird SBE 38 temperature sensor , near the Uncontaminated Seawater System intake.
- Sea-bird SBE 38 temperature sensor , near the Uncontaminated Seawater System intake.
- Centerboard
- A Sea-bird SBE 38 temperature sensor and AML Sound Velocity sensor are installed at the bottom(shoe) of the centerboard.
- A Sea-bird SBE 38 temperature sensor and AML Sound Velocity sensor are installed at the bottom(shoe) of the centerboard.
- Main Lab Wet Wall, fed from the Uncontaminated Seawater System. Plumbed instruments, in series from manifold:
- 1 - Two Sea-bird SBE 45 TSGs
- 2 - Pro Oceanus TDGP
- 3 - Aanderaa Oxygen Optode
- 4 - Sea-Bird ECO Triplet
- The ECO Triplet is configured to measure Chlorophyll, FDOM and Scattering @ 650nm.
- 5 - KROHNE OPTIFLUX 5000 Electromagnetic flowmeter
- S - Sea-Bird SUNA V2 Nitrate Sensor , is plumbed with a separate line from the manifold.
- Contact the Science Operations Manager about manifold port availability if you would like to plumb an underway instrument into the Wet Wall manifold . Depending on the data output, it may be possible to integrate your instrument(s) with Sikuliaq's science data acquisition system, given sufficient notice.
Wet Wall in Main Lab. Click photo for larger version.
- Wet Lab sensors fed from the Uncontaminated Seawater System:
- PC02 system
- Air intake line is on the Foremast , 14.9m(49') above average water line.
- Sunburst Sensors AFT-pH
- KROHNE OPTIFLUX 5000 Electromagnetic flowmeter
- PC02 system
PCO2 System and AFT-pH sensor in Wet Lab
Meteorological Sensors
Currently Installed Instruments:
- Foremast :
- Paroscientific Meteorological Measurement System
- Installed 14.9m(49') above average water line
- Model: MET4A
- Gill WindObserver 70/75 Ultrasonic Anemometer
- Installed 15.5m(51') above average water line
- Model: 1390-75-B-313
- Picarro gas concentration analyzer . Air intake line is on the foremast, 14.9m(49') above average water line. The instrument is located in the Forward Science Storeroom.
- Model: G2301
- Model: G2301
- Paroscientific Meteorological Measurement System
- 03 deck, top of Science Control Room (SCR) :
- Kipp & Zonen Pyranometer and Pyrgeometer
- Installed 14.3m(42') above average water line
- Models: SMP21-V and SGR4-V
- Both units have a ventilation unit, model CVF4 .
- Biospherical Instruments Reference PAR Sensor
- Installed 14.3m(42') above average water line
- Model: QSR2150
- Kipp & Zonen Pyranometer and Pyrgeometer
Available Instruments Upon Request:
- Metek 3D Anemometer , installed on the foremast .
- A Bridge Cam is located inside the bridge looking forward at the bow. It is capturing a time stamped, low resolution, .JPEG photo once every minute while the ship is underway. The images are included in the LDS. A live video stream from the camera is available on the ship's internal website and TV system.
- A GeoCam system is installed on the bridge. Three cameras are mounted to create ice mosaics. This system collects data only upon request.